Thursday, April 24, 2008

Communities coming together in SF

There's a wave of activity, growth and progress going on in the TL with new leaders not bound by old traditional lines reaching out and bringing community groups, civil services, political activist and politicians together for common cause in the TL and throughout the city of SF. The goals are to come together to help define and plan strategies for the TL and SF communities in the areas such as green communities, green job training programs and community safety (a block by block strategy). Disaster preparedness as a bottom up community to community process and much more. In the coming months we as a community will be holding large come together events to bring these themes together and we hope to connect with like minded communities throughout SF and work on strategies we all can agree to participate, in a effort to recognize our city belongs to us and its future depends on us working together to make this city a people first city again.
Mark Leno, Steve Conley, Michael Nulty, George Dias, and Carole Migden.